Katalon Studio Tutorials

7 Major Updates of Katalon Studio 7

The brand new Katalon Studio 7 has arrived!

Katalon has released the latest version of the test automation tool: Katalon Studio 7 (KS7). This marks a significant milestone on their automation journey with a host of enhanced features tailored for medium and large businesses’ needs. Katalon Studio 7 aims to help users tackle all common testing challenges and make automation experience more enjoyable.

Download Katalon Studio 7 at www.katalon.com.

Creating test cases using Manual Mode in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio supports both users with or without programming skills to learn and make full use of test automation. Those with little experience in coding can use the keywords-driven testing capability of the tool to generate automation test easily.

This tutorial will introduce you to a basic scenario of creating test cases using Katalon Studio’s Manual view. Download Katalon Studio for free at www.katalon.com


Create test case using Script Mode in Katalon Studio

Apart from the Manual view, Katalon Studio also supports a Script view for users with programming skills to write test cases. The tool based on Groovy/Java background for editing test scripts in this view.

This tutorial will introduce you to a basic scenario of creating test cases using Katalon Studio’s Script view. You will also see how the import statements and built-in keywords feature work in making new test scripts. 

Beginners guide to using Record and Playback in Katalon Studio

One of the easiest and most effective ways for freshers to start learning test automation is through the test recording method. With Katalon Studio, it provides a Web Recorder Utility function to ensure all actions being performed on the application are captured and converted into runnable code in the back-end.

Beginners guide to Web testing with Katalon Studio

All newly developed websites need to be tested for its functionality and stability. This task requires testers to have sufficient skills and tools to perform an automation project for a website effectively.

Katalon Studio is a free and comprehensive test automation tool for web, mobile, API, and desktop projects. It makes automated testing easy for those with minimal coding skills, yet inclusive enough to help you work on advanced projects. Katalon Studio comes in two versions: the Standard free Katalon Studio and Katalon Studio Enterprise for teams at scale.

Beginners guide to API testing with Katalon Studio

API testing (or web service testing for a web application) is a quick and effective way to validate an application’s logic without having to examine the GUI of the application under test.

In today’s DevOps and Agile age of software development, API testing is the preferred test automation method as it can cope with short release cycles, and the frequently changed presentation layer without breaking the test outputs.