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Simple Page Object Model example

In this example we will see a very simple Page Object Model example. To explain we have taken Google application and created BasePage, Sign In page and Create Account page.

To know what is page object model framework, Please refer Page Object Model Introduction
Steps to Create a Simple Page Object Model. The structure of the sample project should look like in the screen shot below

Introduction to Page Object Model Framework

Page Object Model Framework has now a days become very popular test automation framework in the industry and many companies are using it because of its easy test maintenance and reduces the duplication of code.

The main advantage of Page Object Model is that if the UI changes for any page, it don’t require us to change any tests, we just need to change only the code within the page objects (Only at one place). Many other tools which are using selenium, are following the page object model.

Keyword Driven Framework Example

In this framework, keywords are developed which are equal to a unit level functionality. It is an independent framework which perform automation based on the keywords specified in the excel sheet. Based on the type of application, the number of keywords will be increased to handle different functionalities.

The below are the few keywords which are used commonly in the web applications.

Selenium Automation Framework Example

Introduction to Automation testing:

Testing is an essential part of a software development process. While testing intermediate versions of products/projects being developed, testing team needs to execute a number of test cases. In addition, prior to release every new version, it is mandatory that the version is passed through a set of “regression” and “smoke” tests. Most of all such tests are standard for every new version of product/project, and therefore can be automated in order to save human resources and time for executing them.