Appium Tutorials

How to Install Appium on Windows

Before proceeding to install Appium Make sure you have installed JDK and Android.

We can run an Appium server using node.js or using the AppiumUI application. First we will see steps to install using Appium desktop and then using NodeJs which is very simple.

Appium using Desktop

First Download Appium from here Official Appium Site

Once the file AppiumForWindows_x.x.x.Zip is downloaded, please unzip the file.

Introduction to Appium Mobile Automation

We have long been using automation for Desktop applications, Web Applications. But in the recent years, the use of mobile devices is increased drastically and introduced new challenges in testing these mobile apps. To achieve these challenges, organizations are looking for alternatives to traditional manual testing.

Mobile Automation testing is a highly effective alternative to traditional manual testing which reduces time needed for a testing and achieve quick results. Using automation, we can re-use same tests to re-run on different devices and different Operating System.